Sama Hamid Mohammed Zino
This six-year-old girl lived a life full of dreams and saw her father as her entire world. He was her safety, love, and bright future. Their home was small but full of love and happiness. She would play with her siblings in the garden, telling them stories about the future, often saying, "I want to be like Mom and Dad when I grow up."
But on a sad day, on October 7th, her life changed suddenly. She lost her father in one of the airstrikes that destroyed parts of Gaza. Her father had gone to secure his family and try to protect them, but he fell victim to the war that was consuming everything in its path.
But the tragedy didn't stop there. Their home was also bombed, leaving them homeless. The family had to flee their house, leaving behind everything, even their beautiful memories. They found themselves in an overcrowded refugee shelter, with no hope for comfort or safety.
This little girl, who didn't yet understand the full meaning of loss, sat in a corner, looking at her mother with many questions in her eyes: "Where is Dad? Why are we here?" Her mother tried to comfort her, explaining with all her love that her father was in a better place now and that they would stay together no matter what.
In the shelter, life for the little girl was full of difficulties. No toys, no garden to play in, but she still held on to a small dream: to return to school, to be able to play with her friends, and to have a warm home to live in with her family.
Despite all that she had lost, the little girl still holds onto hope. She would always ask, "When will everything be like it was before?" While her mother comforted her, promising that life would get better despite all the hardships.
Her story of many children who lost everything in an instant due to wars and conflicts, but they still carry hope for a better tomorrow in their hearts.